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We were referred to Sean Rivera from a friend that worked at a highly respected known veterinary hospital in Chester County after I put out a desperate plea for help on Facebook with our recently adopted dog. Having dogs my entire life, I had never considered a dog trainer until it became obvious that without proper obedience training, I was not going to be able to keep our dog, Chance, safe and he would continue to take over our household with his undesirable behavior. I realized that I needed him to be obedient in order to keep him safe, but with a 3 year old daughter and both adults in the house working shift work, I knew that I wouldn’t have the time to dedicate to the extent of training he seemed to need. I needed a “boot camp” style program and Sean agreed to take on the challenge of Chance.

Chance, a well trained dog | Trained by Sean Rivera at Absolute Canine

Chance lived with Sean while Sean introduced him to basic obedience while on leash. He then progressed to advanced obedience training while off leash training, which was the training I had hoped would allow me to control Chance in the event of an escape. I don’t think Chance was an “easy” dog to train. His time “on the streets” prior to adoption trumped his willingness to learn. Sean regularly reported on his progress and insisted that Chance be 100% obedient prior to his return home.

The day I met with Sean to pick up Chance, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Sean demonstrated his abilities both on and off leash and it was amazing. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes. Chance looked happy and proud. At that moment, I knew I had done the right thing for Chance.

Since bringing Chance home, he hasn’t escaped and he loves “practicing” his skills. He’s enjoying our family and we are finally able to enjoy him! We periodically return to Sean to go over our skills and I learned Sean is a very patient trainer with both dogs and humans!

Sean showed Chance what a human-dog bond could be and that structure was safety. Sean mentioned that Chance had been one of the most challenging dogs he had ever trained. Regardless, he gave Chance a “chance” and I’m not sure many trainers would have been as patient or as devoted to the cause. I truly feel a lesser trainer would have given up or possibly mistreated Chance trying to get him to obey. Because of Sean, Chance’s quality of life and safety is much more improved due to Sean’s dedicated hard work and training.

"I highly recommend Sean's training programs, whether you are looking for a lesson program for you and your dog or an intensive behavior modification program. Whether you have aspirations of competing with your dog at the highest levels or just a happy and well behaved family pet like Chance, look no further than Sean Rivera."
Christine Louise
puppy training at Absolute Canine
Dougie and Joly at Absolute Canine

Dougie and Joly

"Sean is a very skillful teacher and trainer - consistent, firm, and compassionate. "Dougie" (our 3 year old Scottie) enjoys his training immensely and has complete confidence with his commands."
Jim and Joly Stewart


When Ayden was 2 years old (2012) and started growing into his protective Boerboel personality, my husband and I decided to get Ayden professional obedience training. We were directed to a man named Sean Rivera. Sean specializes in a very detailed and structured training for protective dogs and has been awarded various metals. When we came to Sean for advice on training Ayden, he was very up front and honest about our dog that is a member of our family. Sean is also very sensitive to my feelings as far as how I need Ayden to behave and will take as much time as needed to answer my questions and make sure I understand.

Ayden has completed the basic obedience training and is currently in advanced training. Since I brought my dog to Sean, I have seen a huge difference in how Ayden respects me, my husband and our three children. He is a very family oriented dog that is sensitive but on guard socially with others outside of the home. So I have found the training to be extremely beneficial and will continue to use Sean’s expertise as much as possible.

"If you are looking for basic, advanced or personal protection training for your dog there is not enough good things I can say about Sean and would recommend him without a doubt."
Jen Poleman
Sean Rivera - CEO of Absolute K-9 | Professional Dog Trainer
Tugger, a well-trained dog after training at Absolute Canine


I’d like to tell you about our family dog, Tugger. We got him in January 2010 when he was about 9 weeks old. I wanted to sign up for a local obedience training course but it interfered with our winter vacation plans that year. By the time I had him signed up in the spring for the 6 week Saturday morning class, he was simply out of control and I physically couldn’t handle him. I honestly think we got his achievement certificate at the end of the course because the instructor felt sorry for me after seeing me in tears nearly every session. In an effort to wear down some of Tugger’s energy, my instructor then recommended a device that would attach to a bike enabling my husband to take Tugger on rides around the neighborhood. However, the plan backfired, because it made Tugger incredibly strong – so much so that he could knock over me and my then 9 year old simply by jumping on us. And not only was Tugger jumping, he was now humping, tearing holes in our clothes, and pulling so hard on the leash we could no longer walk him! I was literally at my wit’s end, until I spoke to a childhood friend who trained her dog with Sean Rivera.

Because of our particular case, we opted for the boarding and training program. We sent Tugger to what I termed “boot camp” and he lived with Sean for about 9 weeks. Sean kept me posted on Tugger’s progress as he learned to heel, sit, down and place and do his “work.” When we picked him up and Sean showed us how Tugger executed Sean’s commands, we all thought he was a completely different dog. Sean made each of us go through the commands with Tugger and he was almost as well-behaved. Sean and Jayme followed up with a visit to our house to see Tugger in everyday interaction with us.

"Today Tugger is about 2 ½ years old and he is a really great family dog. For the first time, we were able to take him to Maine on vacation with us last summer and he was very well-behaved in the dog-friendly home we rented. Since Tugger lives to retrieve, my husband like to practice his training by having him sit, then throw a tennis ball and as much as Tugger wants to run after it, he won’t move until my husband gives an “okay!” Tugger is still excited/happy to meet people, but for me, I have learned to utilize his “down” or “place” commands very easily and this helps when we have unexpected guests or I need to crate him while company is here.

Sean completely transformed this dog from having no doggie manners to obeying one-word commands that we reinforce on a daily basis. The result is simply a happy family with a happy dog."
Lynn Tracey
Tugger and his friends

What Our Customers Have Said


Discover how our services have transformed the lives of dogs and their owners. Read their heartfelt stories.

Lynn Tracey
Lynn Tracey


Sean completely transformed this dog from having no doggie manners to obeying one-word commands that we reinforce on a daily basis. The result is simply a happy family with a happy dog.

Jim and Joly Stewart
Jim and Joly Stewart


Sean is a very skillful teacher and trainer - consistent, firm, and compassionate. "Dougie" (our 3 year old Scottie) enjoys his training immensely and has complete confidence with his commands.

Jen Poleman
Jen Poleman


If you are looking for basic, advanced or personal protection training for your dog there is not enough good things I can say about Sean and would recommend him without a doubt.

Christine Louise
Christine Louise


I highly recommend Sean's training programs, whether you are looking for a lesson program for you and your dog or an intensive behavior modification program, whether you have aspirations of competing your dog.